Tai word meaning and definition
Beside meaning and definition for word "tai", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Three characters, how to write "tai" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:
• Letter statistic • Hand signs, morse code • Tarot cards, numerology • Other fun |
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Meaning and definition for "tai" word
[noun] a native or inhabitant of Thailand
[adjective] of or relating to Thailand; "the Thai border with Laos"
[adjective] of or relating to the languages of the Thai people; "Thai tones"
[adjective] of or relating to or characteristic of Thailand of its people; "Siamese kings"; "different Thai tribes live in the north"
\Tai\, n. A member of one of the tribes of the Tai stock. The Tais first appeared in history in Yunnan, and from thence they migrated into Upper Burma. The earliest swarms appear to have entered that tract about two thousand years ago, and were small in number. --Census of India, 1901.
Synonyms for tai
Siamese, Siamese, Thai, Thai
See also: Asian | Asiatic | Black Tai | Bouyei | Buyi | Central Thai | Chinese Shan | Dehong Dai | Kadai | Kadai language | Kam Muang | Kam-Tai | Khamti | Khuen | Kingdom of Thailand | Lao | Nung | Red Tai | Saek | Shan | Siam | Siamese | Southern Tai | Tai Dam | Tai Long | Tai Lue | Tai Nuea | Tai Yuan | Tay | Thai | Thailand | Tho | White Tai | Xishuangbanna Dai | Yay | Zhuang |
The fun area, different aproach to word »tai«
Let's analyse "tai" as pure text. This string has Three letters in One syllable and Two vowels. 66.7% of vowels is 28.1% more then average English word. Written in backwards: IAT. Average typing speed for these characters is 840 milliseconds. [info]

Numerology Hearts desire number calculated from vowels:
tai: 1 + 9 = 10, reduced: 1 . and the final result is One. |
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